Thursday, August 25, 2005

Day 1

Well I said I would never do it. I guess I lied. That's right folks, I'm starting a blog. Why? Well, first of all, it's maily because I can't fall asleep right now. But believe it or not, there's alot running around in this head of mine and I was thinking that sometimes it helps to get it all out. Plus it gives my friends something to read while bored at work.

Will I be a good blogger like my dear friend Rachel Pink? No way.
Will I write something everyday? I highly doubt it.

First, for those of you who have never met me, let me give you the 411...
Sex: Love it (oh, I mean Female)
Location: Staten Island, NY (Home of the Wu-Tang Clan and the famous Fresh Kills Landfill)
Occupation: Marketing Department at a Publishing Company in NYC
Marital sates: Married (No children)
Likes: Traveling, shopping, dancing (not so good at it, but hey, after a few drinks no one seems to notice), hanging out with my niece and nephew, going to concerts, reading and just hanging out with my girlfriends.
Dislikes...Smelly people, stupid people, liars, snakes, spiders and heights.

Where does the blog title Jovi-al come from you ask? Well, here's the deal. You probably will never meet a bigger Bon Jovi fan than me. Yes, I know most of you probably think it's totally uncool to admit that, but I love my Jersey boys. If I could, I would totally still wear my Slippery When Wet t-shirt, ripped jeans and spray a can of Aquanet in my hair if I could. But I would probably look like a big dork . But I promise you this blog will not be Bon Jovi 24/7.

Well I guess that's it for now. Feeling a little sleepy. Hopefully I'll remember to keep this up, and maybe somebody will actually read it!


Blogger SaffronSaris said...

Hi, i started blogging like 2 months ago, kinda enjoying it. Hope u will too :)

9:41 PM  

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