Happy Birthday Kim!
Kim turned 30 this weekend and had a great party to celebrate! Lori picked Lolita on the lower east side for the spot- great choice. We had our own private party room (and bathroom) until 11pm and the drinks were pretty cheap. It was so good to see Kim and it really looked like she had a great time which made us all so happy. Lots of people were there and it seemed like everybody had fun. I even brought the folks to come and celebrate since they absolutely adore Kim (who doesn't?). Mom had two Black Russians and then it was time to cut her off. Dad unfortunately had to drive so he couldn't really drink and Frank the Tank drank more than I've seen him drink in years, he is quite hung over at the moment. I have to give props to Lori who did an awesome job of setting everything up and getting embarrassing pics of Kim and fun Kim trivia that she placed on little notecards throughout the room. It really was a great time. But now the hard part is coming in a few days...having to say goodbye to Kim again. But I'm not going to think about that now, I'm just going to soak up two more days of Kimmy.

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