Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Who Says You Can't Go Home

Well, air traffic control almost did last night. Once again I was faced with an unpleasant flying experience. Weather at home- beautiful. Weather in New Orleans- beautiful. Weather in between- not so beautiful. So there we were in the airport delayed for 3 hours. Which I know isn't so bad, but when you've been working 9 days straight and half of that has been in a different city, you just want to come home to your own bed. And the worst part? As soon as they announced the delay, the bar right next to the gate closed. That was just cruel if you ask me. It was nice that there were three of us from work to at least keep each other company.
Now, let's get to how New Orleans was since alot of you have asked. The parts I saw were not bad (thank God). I was so afraid of what I was going to see when I was out there, but I give those people alot of credit. They have done some job getting things back together. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an idiot, I know there are parts that I didn't see that won't be able to be fixed for years, if ever. But I think I just didn't know what to expect going there, and I was pleasantly surprised. I just wish I had a chance to get there before Katrina.
Oh, and yes, don't you worry...there are pics from Bourbon Street to come. You didn't think all I did was work out there did you?


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