Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Party Never Ends

...or should I say "the parties never end". Due to a few changes in our plans, last weekend turned out so relaxing. Friday night was a trip to Culture Club to celebrate Trisha starting nursing school. Saturday turned out to be one big nap for me followed by dinner at Carmens on the water with Frankie, Melissa, Denise and Nan- we hadn't planned it and running into the girls was a welcomed surprise! Sunday was spent at the beach and then swimming with Grace. I'm glad we got to rest because the next few weekends are hectic and filled with parties for every occasion you could think of.
Friday- Cristina's birthday at Porky's. Saturday- dinner and back to Culture Club for Silvia's bachelorette party. Sunday- a Christening in Island Heights, NJ. Monday- hopefully a day off (still waiting for my boss to approve the vacation request). And the next weekend is just as crazy- but also filled with fun parties!
Next Saturday me and my 14 cousins, some who are flying in, are having dinner at a family-style restaurant in the city (they are even giving us a private party room since there's so many of us), followed by the 8 pm showing of Avenue Q and then off to Stout for drinks! We all can't wait! It's not often enough we get to see each other and we all have the best time when we're together. Then Sunday afternoon we are all getting together again for my cousin Amy's engagement party. My aunt figured since everyone was flying in for "cousin's night" that we should just have it all together. Can't wait to see how hungover everybody is. Who knows with us, we could wind up going to the engagement party straight from the bar- it wouldn't surprise me, or our parents I'm sure, one bit!


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