Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Billionaire Spending $43...Priceless

Is Mayor Bloomberg an idiot? Sorry if you're a fan of his, but I find the man to be a huge moron.

While catching up on my daily Staten Island news and events, I came across this article
The Mayor Likes a Good Bargain.

I would really like to know what kind of point he is trying to prove by having TV cameramen and photographers follow him around while he spends a whopping $43 on T-shirts for his daughters? Is that supposed to make us feel better somehow? Are we all supposed to run out and take advantage of this one tax free week a year? While I do love to save money, I just find it to be a huge headache.

The whole purpose of this week is to help families save some money with back to school shopping. Since most kids go back to school on Tuesday and tons of people take advantage of this last vacation week, how many people really do their shopping now? Don't get me wrong, when I have kids I'm sure I'll be one of those parents who does everything at the last minute (like I do now), and maybe I'll appreciate it more then. It just seems to me that the city would make a bigger profit on holding their precious tax free week a bit earlier. Or maybe at Christmas time?

Sorry, for the venting. You have to understand that this comes from a bitter Staten Islander who has to pay the city $10 a day to get back and forth to work and still have MTA surcharges on several of my utility bills. So to have to read about Mayor Bloomberg's "Big Shopping Extravaganza", it just pisses me off. I want Rudy back...


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