What the F#@k????
That was all me, Rachel and AR could say when we left the movies today. We thought it would be a good idea to go see a movie after work. Our choice? Miami Vice- and it was awesomely bad. I can't even really tell you anything about it because to be honest I didn't understand any of it. The dialog was not only all over the place, but I couldn't understand half the things they were saying, the acting was soooo horrific, and the music could have put you to sleep. All I wanted was to see Tubs and Crockett jump in a speed boat and to hear the theme song. Sadly, I waited two hours and it never happened. And there was no Elvis (Crockett's pet alligator)...how could you leave out Elvis? I never expected it to be an Oscar winner, but I figured how could you go wrong with drugs, sex, violence and Colin Farrell? But trust me- it can go very wrong. Even though it sucked we did have a good time laughing at for two hours- there was no way we couldn't it was just that bad.

There's just no comparison...

There's just no comparison...
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