Friday, June 29, 2007

The End of An Era

It's 11:45 and my dad just dropped me off, on his way to work for the last time! That's right, as of tomorrow morning at 8am my dad will be officially retired. He always joked around about it, but I honestly never thought I would see the day. Even when he put in his papers a few weeks ago, I thought he would change his mind, but he didn't. As sad as it is to leave the place you have probably spent more time in than your own home for 30 years, its a GOOD thing (Dad, I put the good in caps because I know Mom will read this to you and hopefully she will emphasize the "good" for reassurance). Lord knows I wouldn't look back!
But just think...imagine never having to go to work again and getting paid the same amount! Never having to worry about when to take vacation, because you'll always have the days off! Sleeping in on rainy days! Picking up your old candy apple red Fender Stratocaster and having the time to play it again, or putting up crown moulding in your daughter's living room (hint, hint)! Hmmm, how long before I can retire?


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