Sunday, March 16, 2008

Deep Breaths

While I'm trying to be calm and remember today is a holy day, I can't help but be pissed off at the stupid people who keep blocking my driveway to go to church, which is across the street. Do they not see the no parking sign? Do they not see um...the driveway with the cars in there? Oh no wait, I forgot, they just don't care.
One lady came way after mass started and Frankie just so happened to be outside when she left mass 25 minutes early. When he said to her, "you know you're in my driveway right?". She had the nerve to say, "Oh, I was praising my lord!". No lady, you just went to get palms. And chances are you haven't been to church since maybe Christmas, but I'll bet it was last Palm Sunday. See that's what gets me, its not the regulars who do things like this, the regular church goers in this neighborhood have respect. It took everything in my good natured Catholic power not to go out there and clock this woman. This is why I went to church yesterday, can't deal with the ones who show up once or twice a year.

After she left, another car (a monster truck) pulled right in the spot--I kid you not! Frankie was still outside and told him nicely he was blocking a driveway. His response, "don't aggravate yourself buddy". Grrr..........
I am now on my way to Bed, Bath and Beyond to get out of the house and not see what goes on at 1pm mass. I think its better that way.


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