Friday, February 15, 2008

Not So Bad

I don't like Valentine's Day. I never have. Basically, its just a day where florists jack up the price of flowers, restaurants jack up the price of food and loved ones are supposed to be extra nice to you. Maybe we should all just try to be nice every day?
But this year was a little different. Since today is our one year mark to closing on the house (where does the time go?) and Frankie and I haven't went out on a Valentine's Day ever--12 years to be exact--he decided to take off from work and take me out to dinner, and it was sweet and thoughtful. What made it really nice was that we weren't surrounded by other couples being all mushy. It was tables full of families, tables full of friends, and next to us a mother having a nice dinner with her son who was about 9. The restaurant was full of laughter and happy people. It was really sweet and gave me a different perspective on what is usually a day I dread. Don't get me wrong I won't be walking around next year with a red turtleneck and a heart pin on my jacket, but it might be something nice to do say every 12 years or so. After dinner we headed over to Kenny and Maria's to crack open a bottle of champagne to celebrate the day and our one year anniversary of us being neighbors. All in all, a lovely day.


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