Tuesday, January 06, 2009

New Year, Same Old Me…For Now Anyway

Yup, I’m back. I know it’s been a while. It seems like time was literally flying last year and before I knew, it was over…which makes me happy because 2008 sucked. I won’t sugar coat it, it was just a bad year. And the more I talk to people the more I realize I’m not alone. Besides the obvious economic struggles, I think there was just something in the air that made it miserable for all. Well time to put it all behind and start over! At least for me.
I decided the other day that I wanted a New Year’s resolution, something I could actually follow. But then I thought about it and those resolutions are too easy to break, come February they are usually forgotten about…Weight Watchers, going to the gym…all the new year’s clichés. So I decided instead to think about things in my life, things I often forget about or push to the side, things I need to make time for and things that would make me happy. So I came up with a list.

1. Stop stressing about what I can’t control. I tried this last year and I did ok. I of course had my moments, but overall I handled some things better than I would have in the past.
2. Blog more. It’s a stress reliever and from what I hear from friends and family, it makes them happy. Done.
3. If I buy something, I must use it. No more “saving things for a special occasion”. Seriously, no more clothes left with tags on. No more shoes waiting to be worn for a night out. I’ll use the good dishes and glassware. This item on the list also means no more buying lip glosses/makeup/hair products until I use the other ones. Which takes me to #4…
4. Be clutter-free. Typically I’m a neat freak. But while on a two week vacation from work, I cleaned every closet and cabinet in my house and had over 6 big garbage bags full of crap. So as orderly as I think I am, there’s always room for improvement.
5. Stop putting off the same old projects. Last year I purchased tons of picture frames for vacation and family pictures that need to go in them. This year, not only will I frame them, I’ll actually hang them on the wall. Crazy I know!
6. Take better care of myself. Although I get regular check-ups and visit the dentist twice a year I need to eat more veggies, get more fresh air, spend less time online, get more sleep, and cook more.
7. And finally, save more money!

Looking back over this it seems like alot…but I’ve been through worse. Hopefully 2009 will be full of change and good things for all of us.


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