OK, I am a genius. There's an internet presale for Bon Jovi tickets and somehow I guessed the password (after a few tries). Am I good or what? Now I don't have to stress out Saturday morning trying to get tickets when they go on sale to the general public. Sweet...
I've Become My Mother
When did our generation become adults? Even though I've been married and out of my parents' house 4 years and I've been working since as long as I can remember, there's still times when I sit there and say holy shit I'm an adult.
Today's "Holy Shit I'm an Adult" episode was sponsored in part by, my upcoming vacation. I was sitting down to write a list of everything I needed to pack (yes, I have become a "list" person) and it occurred to me, I also need to make a list of things I need to do before I go.
For example, here are some things on my list:
1. Clean the house (because who wants to come home to a messy house?)
2. Pay the bills (this one is not so bad)
3. Pay the paperboy (pay the paperboy??? wasn't it only yesterday that I was the 12 year old delivering papers?)
4. Ask the neighbor to water the flowers and take in the mail (hello granny, I've got a garden)
5. Do the laundry so I have something set aside for work for the day after I come back
6. Clean out the refrigerator (yes, I do have more than just beer in there)
I won't go on, it's too painful. And besides, the longer I go on, the longer I put off actually doing these things.
So there you have it, I have done what every woman says they will never do, become their mother. But as much as it sucks, I think of it this way...being that I have a really cool mom who kicks ass, I guess becoming like her wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
A Mix of Emotions
So my mom just called me. Apparently my Uncle Jack is not only at the Bon Jovi launch party/concert right now, but he also has all access backstage passes- wait let me correct that, backstage pass. Moments ago, he was only feet away from the love of my life, my Jonny. He said he tried all day to either change the ticket to my name or take me with him. He couldn't. But lord knows I love him for trying.
I'm very happy for Uncle Jack, but sad for me.
Someday I'll get to meet him...someday.
A Whole Lotta Nuthin'
That's pretty much what I did this weekend. Friday, there was no Culture Club, no happy hours and no hangovers to plan on for Saturday morning. It felt great.
Saturday, Silvia and I went scrapbook supply shopping. We bought lots of fun stickers and paper, and of course everything went on sale Sunday morning. Figures...but what we bought provided us with hours of fun on Saturday afternoon (yes, we are losers).
Saturday night was Chinese food at Silvia's followed by a few rounds of Taboo. If you've never played that game before, I suggest you try it sometime. It seems like it would be easy, but it gets so frustrating not being able to say certain words. It can be highly amusing.
Sunday was a little get together for my cousin's birthday. Instead of sitting down to a whole big dinner, my aunt just cooked up a variety of appetizers...potato skins, spinach and artichoke dip, pigs in a blanket...everything you can imagine! Yummy!
Makin' Memories
Many of my friends asked me how my scrapbooking class was the other night. It was great, except that I seriously felt like I was in school again. Here I was thinking it would be all fun and games, and it was pretty serious business. There's alot more involved than just putting pictures on a page.
First of all, there's all kinds of special paper that you need (acid free is a must!). There's about 10 different types of glue that all have a different purpose, and within those types come different brands to add to the confusion. There's also lots of special tools that are needed. And there I was thinking I'd be a whiz at this with a pair of scissors and a glue stick. Wrong!
But the bottom line is I need a hobby and I love taking pictures. And believe it or not, I actually look through my photo albums that I have quite frequently. So maybe this will be good for me. I'm hoping it will relieve stress and not cause it...we'll see.
Anyway, first thing Saturday morning me and Silvia are heading off to AC Moore to buy lots of supplies. Should be interesting and expensive.
But I Still Love Technology...
FYI...real Napoleon Dynamite fans will understand the title of this post.
Anyway, I've been told I'm a bad blogger, not true. I have tried several times to put up posts, but something seems to be wrong with I keep getting an error message. I'm hoping this one works. Damn technology...
Weekend was nice. Friday was a little night out at Culture Club. Me, Cristina, Annmarie, Raquel, Christina and a few of my friends that we met at the club had a great time. The music was good, the drinks were good and the crowd was small, which is a good thing. Plenty of room to dance and make fools of ourselves!
Saturday I got to see my niece's first soccer game. I have to say for a group of 5 year olds, they were really good. They all listened and seemed to have the basic dribbling and kicking skills down. Of course they were kicking the ball in their own goal half the time, but hey, it's all in good fun.
Next it was off to AC with the parents and grandparents. Only grandma won some money (and if I had to guess she still didn't break even), but we had a free room and free dinner. How could you go wrong?
Today was a pretty good day too. I wasn't sure how it would be since it was the first day of Kim not being at work (Kim is in the process of moving to North Carolina ). And even though it was hard getting through the day without her, I walked into 2 voicemails from her this morning and spoke to her twice today. So that made me feel much better. Thank you Kimmy...
Anyway, now I'm getting together some supplies for a scrapbooking class I'm taking on Wednesday with Silvia. I'll let you know how it goes!
Labor Day Weekend
What is it about September and Labor Day Weekend that still give me that icky back to school feeling even at 27? It makes me feel panicky like I need to run out and get black and white marble notebooks, pens, bookcovers and clear contact paper. Crazy...
Anyway, weekend was lovely. Cristina came out Friday night from LI and we just kind of hung out and watched some old episodes of Six Feet Under. At around 11pm my cousin Amy and her boyfriend Bo came over, followed by my Aunt Judi and Uncle Ray. It turned out to be a really fun night! The weather was gorgeous and we sat out on the front porch and had a few beers. How is it that the nights you have no particular plans always turn out to be the best?
Saturday was up to the Poconos for my nieces Kayla and Mya's birthdays. To be honest, I usually dread these parties since it's a mix of 2 totally different families who just don't seem to click, but all in all it turned out to be a great day. No traffic, the weather was great and I got to hang out with Frankie's cousin Marietta all day, who I absolutely adore! And I got to see my 2 beautiful nieces who I never get to see since they live so far away.
Sunday was pretty good too. Took a walk down by the beach with Frankie then came home and watched some TV. At about 8:30 we decided to go to the movies to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I put off seeing this movie for a while. I didn't know what to expect since the original is one of my all time faves. But I have to give it 2 thumbs up! Definitely weird, but so cool. I was a little disappointed that the songs were different (who doesn't love to sing along with Veruka to I Want it Now?) but all in all, I highly recommend seeing it. And the best part of the movie? Frankie and I were the only ones in the theater! I've never had that happen so it was pretty cool. A little scary since we just watched The Grudge earlier that day and felt like we kept hearing noises, but it was kind of fun. Now off to my brother's for a little family BBQ.