Monday, July 31, 2006


My name is Jaimie and I'm a Bon Joviaholic. That's right I admit it. When I found out there were still some tickets left for the Saturday show, I couldn't resist. And I'm glad I didn't! I know I always say this, but this was one of the best shows ever! They really mixed things up at this one and played songs I haven't heard in years. I loved every second of it. It was the perfect show for a true fan.
My partner in crime Cristina came along for this one (her first Bon Jovi show!). Plus we got to meet up with some friends before for some pre-show tailgating, and although it was hot as hell, we had a blast. During the show we spotted an old lady walking with a cane, and I can just picture that being me when I'm old. Rock on grandma!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My Stupid Sweet Sixteen

Ok folks this is a warning- this post is going to be a total rant. But you might find it quite entertaining.
So since it's summer and there is nothing new on TV, I just got sucked into watching episodes of MTV's My Super Sweet Sixteen. Are these girls for real? This one girl just had a party that cost $300,000. But in her words "It was worth every penny because I'm worth it". I'm sorry but nobody is worth that. Two of her biggest fits were because Lucas Prata couldn't be there (he eventually showed up anyway- shocking) and because she couldn't find a snake to carry in with her for her grand entrance. Someone should have rented that little bitch a rattlesnake. That'll teach her a lesson.
So she has all her little fits and has this awesome kick ass party. At the end, her dad takes her outside to show her the brand new BMW he bought her. And the kicker was when she said "I can't believe I have a brand new BMW, I can't wait till I start driving". Awesome, buy the kid a brand new car when she can't even drive it.
Don't get me wrong I had it easy growing up- nice clothes, vacations every year, the latest electronics, a beautiful car- but I worked from when I was 9 years old (totally my choice by the way) whether it was babysitting, delivering papers or working in the mall . I know this will make me sound so old, but how will these kids ever learn any kind of responsibility? Kills me. I know I should just change the channel, but it's like a train wreck. I can't look away.

God- if you happen to read blogs, please give me all boys. Thanks!


Rachel brought me home the cutest present from Comic-Con!

It's a VooDoo Baby and her name is Angelina. She will watch over me, preserve my good luck and prevent any hardships from coming along the way. This week has been so long and torturous that Angelina is much needed!

Thanks Rachel, you rock!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Not Old, Just Older

Last night was truly amazing. Like a fine wine my Jersey boys just get better with age. They played for almost three hours and I think I said "this is one of my faves" to every song they played. I was in heaven! Everything just seemed to go right last night.
First, and most important, Kelly came. Bon Jovi concerts were always our thing, and this was the first one we were able to go to together in what seems like too long. We even had a moment during "I'll be There For You". She looked at me with tears in her eyes and told me she doesn't tell me enough how much she loves me. She doesn't have to, even though things have been a little weird between us, I know that 20+ years of friendship can't just fade away. I of course lightened the mood by hugging her and singing along to the line "didn't mean to miss your birthday baby...I wish I'd seen you blow those candles out". For those of you who don't get that, her husband (who is jealous of our friendship) booked her surprise 30th party when he knew I was away for business. She was very amused when I sang that to her.
Second, we went with 4 other people and got a limo. Great move. We didn't have to walk far to the car or get aggravated sitting in traffic. We got to drink on the way there and relax on the way back.
And one of the highlights...Kelly's aunt had sent me an email the day before saying she got Kelly and I on the list for the private Hess box to stop by and have a drink. I had been to the circus when I was a kid and vaguely remember the private boxes being really cool but this rocked! Air conditioning, free beer, wine, soda and mixed drinks, and so much food. It was like a little air conditioned box of heaven! We didn't want to overstay our welcome so we just stayed to watch Nickleback, had a few drinks and did some schmoozing with the Hess corporate folks (hey, ya never know when I might be in need of a job!)
I'm just so happy that the night turned out as awesome as it did. I'm seriously considering getting tickets for the show on the 29th.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Countdown Begins

Less than 24 hours until I get to spend quality time with my Jonny!!! Of course 75,000 other people will be there too, but who's counting?

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Drinks are On Me

Early in the week Cristina and I had planned a much needed girls' night with Amy to our favorite spot Culture Club. I'm so glad we did because it was a kick ass night! There were girls from Absolut promoting their new Absolut Ruby Red (delicious by the way!!!). They walked around giving out free drinks. Then there were girls from Budweiser there too. They were walking around giving out free Bud Lights. We were left with no choice but to double fist most of the night. I have to say I was hammered, more so then I've been in a while. But it was a good hammered, I wasn't stumbling around or anything (or maybe I was and just don't remember...hehe). Either way it was a good time to be had by all. Amy and Cristina are awesome people to party with. It doesn't matter where we are, we always manage to have a good time when we're out and I love that about them.


Summer means half day Fridays at DK and I never really appreciated them. They always seemed like more trouble then they were worth...until yesterday. I was hot, tired and cranky and figured I'd go chill out by my parent's pool. On my way there I ran into my brother who mentioned that the kids were just getting ready to go in the pool, so I decided to just go with them. In the end it turned out to be just me and Grace and it was possibly the best afternoon in my life. Spending the day with her really makes you realize how truly wonderful life is and that sometimes you need to just take a deep breath and slow down and appreciate it. We swam, made whirlpools and played marco polo. I felt like a silly kid again. There was lots of laughing and lots of hugs. I really don't know how I ever got by in life without her.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Forza Italia!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woo hoo! What a way to end my vacation. Unfortunately I was at a shower and didn't see the game. But I was with about 50 Italians (straight off the boat) who broke into cheer when the game was over. Poor Silvia, she was in the middle of opening gifts and thought the place was on fire and that we were going to have to evacuate.
So after a week off tomorrow is back to reality. It sucks. Vacation was nice though. I really thought it was going to be a nice quiet week with not much to do, I should have known better. During the week I did lots of running around and this weekend was full of parties.
Saturday was a surprise party for Tim's one year anniversary of his surgery. Trisha did an awesome job! Tim was shocked. The food was great and there was lots of laughing. It's so nice to see Tim (and Trisha) healthy and happy!!! Way to go Trish, you rock! I love you both.
And today was Silvia's shower. I cannot believe Silvia is getting married. I am so happy for her. Her mom did a tropical theme and it was adorable. She got so many great gifts and I'm sure she's home going through all of them as we speak.
I am now exhausted and need to get everything ready for tomorrow. I wish I could win the lottery and never have to go back...