Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Holy Candy, Batman!

Stopped by my mom's to see my niece and nephew and wow did they pick up some serious candy today! I was impressed. But look at how cute they are. I would give them tons of candy too if they came to my door.
Since I wasn't going to be home I decided to be nice and leave out a bowl of candy for trick or treaters to help themselves. The bowl had a note that read "Happy Halloween, help yourself!" Basically I didn't care how much they took as long as it wasn't left in the house. Well stupid me...I came home to find not only the candy gone, but my bowl as well. I guess I learned my lesson.

Happy Halloween!

Frankie's sister from PA just emailed me pics of our nieces in their costumes. Mya is absolutely adorable in her Dora costume, and I have to say Kayla's Wonder Woman costume totally kicks ass! I wish I had a costume that cool when I was young. Actually, I wish I has a costume that cool now. Rock on Kayla!

Now I can't wait to get home and see Grace and Robert...

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Weekend Delight

Well the weekend turned out as fun as I had expected it to be!
The Halloween party Saturday was such a good time. People really went all out with the costumes, I was impressed. Not me though, I am not creative and I didn't have the time, energy or money required for a decent costume...next year I promise to make more of an effort. I have to say that the funniest costume by far goes to Lori who was Anna Nicole Smith--priceless!
And then today was brunch with my two best friends. It was really relaxing and it was so great to to catch up with Kelly and Gina, who both look amazing! Kelly is all cute and pregnant and glowing and Gina looked beautiful as always. We sat there for about three hours just talking and laughing about old times and what's been going on now in our lives. The three of us haven't been alone in probably years to just sit back and bullshit without having anyone else around, it was really nice. I hope we can maybe start doing this on a regular basis. These two are my oldest and dearest friends and I don't get to see them as often as I would like. But I know no matter what happens or wherever life takes us, we'll always be close. We've pretty much been through everything together and I wouldn't give them up for anything.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Half a Decade

Yesterday was my five year anniversary. Where does the time go? Five years ago today I was on a plane to Europe...today I get to clean the house...c'est la vie! Frankie and I didn't get to see each other yesterday, but that's ok, he needed the overtime now that we are in the middle of trying to buy a house. I can't believe we're actually doing it. We're in contract right now, and we hope everything works out according to plan. We are totally in love with this place so I'm trying not to say too much so I don't jinx it. But I really do believe what's meant to be is meant to be, so all we can do is sit back, wait and hope it all goes ok. I did have a surprise visitor last night, which totally made my day. Kelly stopped by after work and it was such an unexpected pleasant surprise! She never just stops over and since I hadn't seen her in a while, I was very excited. Tonight is a Halloween party that Javonne is throwing and then tomorrow is dinner with Kelly and Gina. The three musketeers are getting together! It's been so long since the three of us had time alone so I can't wait to catch up with both of them and laugh about old times. I've been looking forward to this weekend and I'm really excited that its finally here.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Happy Birthday Jenny!

Went out to celebrate Jenn's birthday last night at Culture Club. It shocked me that she wanted to go there since I always thought she hated that place...I guess she doesn't. We had a blast! So much fun in fact that we didn't get home until 5am (because we had to stop and get cheese fries afterwards) and now I'm shot. But there's a house to clean, laundry to be done and shopping to do. I can tell you one thing, I won't be going out tonight.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I Guess It's Die

Wow, this is depressing. Well the Mets gave it a good shot, but in the end it all comes down to not hitting enough. There's always next year I guess.

Do or Die

That's pretty much what it's come down to tonight for the Mets. I've been so nervous I haven't even been able to watch the full games, I've had to flip back and forth. Tonight I really won't be able to watch. Wish us Met fans luck!

Happy Birthday Peanut!

Today is my nephew's 2nd birthday. I can't believe how quickly the time goes and how much he's grown up. He's one handsome devil!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Flavor of Love

I finally took my sis's advice this week and watched Flavor of Love on VH1. Why o why did I not listen sooner? It was the season finale and I don't know if I have ever laughed so hard in my life. It all came down to the two finalists, New York and Deelishis...oh yes, that's their names. What killed me the most about the show was that these girls actually sat there and fought over Flava Flav! It was just so bizarre and frightening and oh so entertaining. I must remember to watch After the Lovin', the reunion special this weekend. I'm sure there will be lots of cat fights and weaves being ripped out.
The only thing that could possibly be better will be MTV's True Life: I'm a Staten Island Girl episode tonight. I have never watched the show before, but how can I possibly miss this one? And let me start to defend myself now...I am nothing like those girls they are going to show and no I don't know them. Contrary to the belief, all Staten Islanders do not know each other.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Burgh

Spent the weekend in PA for Rich and Monica's wedding. Here's a quick recap on the highlights:

  • Seven hours in the car with the parents and Frankie to go to Pittsburgh
  • Over two hours of that on the way there was spent in traffic
  • Going through the mountains and hearing mom say "Look how pretty the trees are"
  • Going through the mountains and hearing dad say "Yeah the trees are f#ck&ng beautiful, how much longer"
  • Watching the Mets win and the Yankees lose
  • Driving an hour to the church from the hotel
  • Trying to cross a highway to get to the church from the parking lot and waiting for the walk sign to change through three rounds of lights in each direction before thinking hmmmm maybe the walk sign doesn't work
  • Finding out you not in Pittsburgh after all, you're in Greensburg, PA
  • Getting drunk and golfing with your brother at the country club after the reception (at midnight in high heels--me not him)
  • Realizing you're golfing at midnight in heels and that there are now very large holes in the putting green--whoops!
  • Getting back in the car to drive seven hours home

Yes, the weekend was quite eventful, but we did have fun. It was great to see Rich and Monica since we haven't seen them since they moved to Hong Kong in the Spring. Grace was a beautiful flower girl and the wedding was lovely. They added lots of Asian flair too--lanterns for centerpieces, fortune cookie favors and beautiful dresses that Monica had made in Hong Kong. And today they hop back on a plane to go home. We hope to see them soon.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

My Commute Just Got a Whole Lot Better

There I am sitting on the bus coming home tonight. Typical commute, texting with Judy (no not that Judi for you curious DK peeps) and just sitting back waiting to get through the traffic on the BQE.
And then I saw it.
I thought I was dreaming until my friend confirmed it.
A huge WPLJ billboard with Jon Bon Jovi wrapped in an American flag. All I can say is God Bless America and thank you PLJ. That is some effective advertising.