The List
Ok, I think for the most part we have all seen the Friends episode with "the list"--you know, the top 5 celebrities you're allowed to sleep with. Last week someone I know met one of her top 5. She of course didn't, but it made me wonder...who's on my list? 1. Jon Bon Jovi2. Michael Buble3. Ed Burns4.5. I can honestly say I don't know who stands in the #4 and #5 spot. So therefore, it is not laminated.Who's in your top 5?
Cousins' Night 2007
What do you get when you mix 15 cousins, copious amounts of alcohol, laughter and some kick-ass gnocchi? Cousins' Night 2007! Two years ago the aunts and uncles decided that instead of spending money on gifts for all of us for Christmas, they would rather pay for us to have a night out. This year we went to Rustico Cooking School where we made a meal of Risotto with Red Wine, Rosemary, & Goat Cheese, Chicken Morsels in Wild Mushroom-Cream Sauce, Chive-Scented Ricotta Gnocchi in Aromatic Herb Butter, Slow-Roasted Savoy Cabbage with Bacon & Garlic, and Tiramisu. And let me tell you--it was delicious! I, cooking...crazy right? We all did a little bit of everything, we were able to switch stations whenever we wanted to, and then at the end we sat down and had a tasty meal full of great conversation and laughter (oh, and wine of course). I highly recommend taking a class at this place with some friends or a significant other--you'll have a blast. After dinner we all headed to Faces and Names where we continued our drink fest until it was time to say goodbye and hop in the super-awesome black Hummer Michael arranged for us to take home (with a stop at Ray's Pizza on the way home and the deli where Terry picked up another 6 pack of Stella). Can't wait to see what this year's Christmas gift is!
Note to Self
Visit the Hamptons more often...
EOnline: Jon Bon Jovi & Jesse: Sorry, kid, we know the guy's your dad and you're just chilling in East Hampton, but the older he gets the hotter he gets.
Just watched the official press conference on VH1 Classic to announce that Van Halen is back! Words cannot describe the excitement. Eddie is looking a thousand times better than he has the last few times I've seen him, and the same goes for Diamond Dave! All were on good behavior and there was a good energy between them...I'm lovin' it! With the addition of a little fresh blood--Eddie's son Wolfgang--I can't wait to see what they crank out!Tickets go on sale soon for the following shows!Sat 11.03 E. Rutherford, NJ Continental Airlines Arena
Tue 11.13 New York, NY Madison Square Garden
Saturday night was a cousins' party at my house. In addition to 10 cousins coming over, we had about 9 other people stop in and out (plus our friends brought their 4-day old baby, Jack--I love him!). Knowing how me and the cousins can knock 'em back, Frankie kept a tally of what we drank:
88 bottles of beer (an assortment of Corona, Corona Lite, Heineken, Heineken Light, Miller Light)
12 Mike's Hard Lemonades
Approx. 8 pitchers of peach sangria which consisted of many, many bottles Pino Grigio and a big bottle of Peach Schnapps among other mixers
There was an open bottle of Kettle One so someone cracked that open
And at the end of the night a jug of red sangria was opened
And somehow we were all standing. It was great though. Two rounds of food including hamburgers, hot dogs, marinated steaks, 2 kinds of chicken, mac and cheese, sausage, brats, salads, knishes and then desserts, good drinks, good conversation and endless rounds of cornhole--which is now my new favorite game! The first guest came at 2 and the last guests left at 3am...I guess we throw a kick ass party!!!Rachel--next party is an all nighter of Guitar Hero!
All Good Things Must Come to an End
Got the word last night that Culture Club is most likely dunzo. A new owner bought the building and they are out of there September 8th. There's a chance that they could reopen in a new location, but it will never be the same. Oh well, its the end of an era, but its time.P.S. Look for an email this week with details on a going away party...