Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I have a confession. Last night I went to my first New Kids concert.
Let me start off by saying that if you told me 20 years ago that I would ever end up at New Kids on the Block concert, I would have laughed at you. While all the girls I was friends with in grammar school walked around sporting their oversized Jordan Night buttons, I was rocking a Skid Row t-shirt. Although I have always had an eclectic taste of music, it NEVER included NKOTB and anybody who knows me can attest to that. So when Javonne called me Friday and said she had a FREE ticket to the show last night, I thought why not, let’s see what all the fuss is about. And so the adventure began.
We had seats in the upper deck, which I am always happy with at a concert. When we sat down the row was empty, then a group of three very large girls came and sat down (not trying to be mean, I’m no little one myself) but I was happy that they were next to Javonne and not me seeing that I already anticipated being tortured for the night by my surroundings as is. Then I was punished, I won’t get into details but let’s just say the girl who came and sat next to me didn’t even compare to the other one. She literally took up 3 seats. She was in hers, mine and her girlfriend’s next to her. I’m really not trying to be a bitch, but in situations like that and airplanes, it’s just not fair. Luckily nobody was in the row behind us so we moved there.
Now on to the show. I will say it was more entertaining then I expected.
Natasha Bedingfield opened for them which I thought was a decent opening act. I’m familiar with some of her stuff and think she’s ok. But all she did was scream! It was just too much and after 20 minutes she needed to get off the stage. And when she finally did I looked at my watch and realized it was 9pm already! I couldn’t believe how late it was. Then of course they still needed to change the set for the beantown boys, so I was getting anxious as it was already past my bedtime. I mean c’mon guys we’re not young anymore, we need to get to bed! Then finally at 9:30 they came out and started to perform. At least I think they did. It was hard to hear with 30,000 grown women screaming—I mean c’mon ladies aren’t we over that by now? It was a bit excessive.
But the show flowed nicely with taking turns “singing” a mix of old and new song. I use quotes on the word singing because when you stick the microphone out to the audience for half the show for them to sing, it kind of takes something away. I also thought it was a bit odd when Donnie wore a guitar during the song Covergirl but never actually played it…what’s up with that? Even though I don’t see their musical talent, I took the show for what it was and just had fun with it.
I have to say I think they all aged pretty well in the looks department, especially Donnie—gotta love them Wahlberg boys!!! In fact Joey actually pointed out a few times how good they looked, which made him seem a bit pompous, but he grew up rather nicely. Jonathan looked the same as he always has and I think its great that he has overcome the phobia he struggled with for so many years of going out in public. It must have taken a lot for him to perform and I gotta say that’s pretty cool. Danny and Jordan also looked the same. It kills me that Jordan is still able to sing like a prepubescent boy. Not sure how he did it (possibly he wore shorts that were a bit too tight in the seat?), but he did! And he performed the song Give it to You which was his solo hit, and I have to say I always liked that song.I think if you’re a New Kids fan, you’re going to love the show. Like I said I didn’t follow them, but it was still nostalgic in a pretty cool way. From some of their dance moves to some of the things they talked about and of course hearing songs like Step by Step and The Right Stuff is enough to get even me wanting to grab my belt buckle and swing my feet from side to side. Will I be loving them forever? No, but I did want to get on the floor and do the New Kids dance.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Fall is Here!

Oh this weather makes me so happy! Good hair days are back again! Let's hope this stays....