Friday, March 20, 2009

My Civic Duty

So, once again I've been called for jury duty. Somehow they manage to get me every time the four year period is up. When I was 18 I liked jury duty. At 31, its a hassle. I've been out of the office so much for meetings and stuff lately that another day will really set me back. I have my fingers crossed that I don't get picked and I serve my one day and I am dismissed. While I welcome a day away from the office, this is not what I had in mind. Plus, every time I go, they play the same movie...Family Man with Nicholas Cage. Cute movie, but once was enough. Three times was more than annoying. I am curious to see if that's still the movie of choice down in good old St. George.
But here's a thought. Right now the unemployment rate is the highest its been in what, 25 years or so? So why not at this time have people who are on unemployment serve? I know jury duty doesn't pay much, but that $40 could really help when you have nothing coming in. I know it takes a day away from possible interviews, but right now things are so bad that really who's hiring?

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Just read a post on TMZ about the world's ugliest cat..

And I thought the previous winner was bad...
