Too Sweet!
My mom just called and told me to check my email because there was a special one that Grace sent me. I couldn't help but share it.Dear Jaimie:
I missed you on your trip. Come see me soon.
love, graceYes, it did make me cry...
Who Says You Can't Go Home
Well, air traffic control almost did last night. Once again I was faced with an unpleasant flying experience. Weather at home- beautiful. Weather in New Orleans- beautiful. Weather in between- not so beautiful. So there we were in the airport delayed for 3 hours. Which I know isn't so bad, but when you've been working 9 days straight and half of that has been in a different city, you just want to come home to your own bed. And the worst part? As soon as they announced the delay, the bar right next to the gate closed. That was just cruel if you ask me. It was nice that there were three of us from work to at least keep each other company.
Now, let's get to how New Orleans was since alot of you have asked. The parts I saw were not bad (thank God). I was so afraid of what I was going to see when I was out there, but I give those people alot of credit. They have done some job getting things back together. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an idiot, I know there are parts that I didn't see that won't be able to be fixed for years, if ever. But I think I just didn't know what to expect going there, and I was pleasantly surprised. I just wish I had a chance to get there before Katrina.
Oh, and yes, don't you worry...there are pics from Bourbon Street to come. You didn't think all I did was work out there did you?
The Queen Maria
Although the Mets lost last night, going to the game was quite an experience. Last week AR had mentioned that a favorite bar of his and Amy's arrange a big trip every year to a Met game, so I figured why not? For a small price you get a ticket to the game, beer and transportation- but not just any transportation- we're talkin' The Party Ride! I figured we'd be going in a regular beat up bus, but this thing, known as The Queen Maria, was pimped out. Limo-style leather couches, 2 plasma TV's with satellite, a pumpin' sound system (with some guy who was up there DJ'ing), laser, disco and strobe lights and a smoke machine. And the beer (supplied by the bar) just kept coming...cases and cases of Heinekin and Amstel Light. Then after the game the bar provides a free happy hour. What more could you want? Oh I know, the Mets to win.
Things I'm Missing While at ALA
Here's a list of what I'm going to miss while I'm away for work:
1. Staten Island Yankee game with my niece
2. Best friend's surprise 30th birthday party (don't worry she hardly ever goes online and she never reads this, so I'm not ruining anything)
3. Journey concert
4. My cousin's Christening
I'm starting to hate my job.
What Lies Ahead
Looks like I have some good times ahead of me on my trip to New Orleans this week. Check out the story here. Whether it's my honeymoon right after 9/11, visiting Toronto in the height of SARS or coming home from Florida in the blizzard of 2006, I just can't win when it comes to traveling...
Patience is a Virtue
That's what I kept trying to tell myself Saturday while I searched for Grandma and Poppi for two hours in a casino. Grandma (the notorious gambler) got me, Frankie and the folks a free room at Tropicana Saturday night (because nothing says family time like drinking and gambling). She was supposed to leave a key for us at the front desk and forgot. I just kept telling myself, she's old, she doesn't remember (repeat to self, mom and now aggravated father for two hours). So we called her cell phone, nothing. Then we tried her usual spots- the private club, her favorite machines, the restaurant, called up to her room- nothing, and keep in mind that we've been dragging around bags all this time. No where to be found. So after we left six or seven voicemails and couldn't find them, we started to worry- it's only natural. So I give it one more shot and low and behold Poppi answers. I'm glad that he's the sane one. I started to tell him we had been looking for them and did he know where Grandma is since the room is in her name and only she could get a key for us. He proceeded to tell me that he wasn't sure where she was, so I said OK, where are you we'll come meet you. He tells me to hold on and I heard him give the phone to grandma and say "here, I think it's Jaimie". Ok, first...he told me he didn't know where she was and she was there the whole time. Second, you think it's Jaimie? Who else would call you Poppi? You only have one granddaughter!
So finally we get Grandma and then I try to tell her something went wrong when she checked in because when we tried to call the room, they said she had three rooms. She was only supposed to have two since I was rooming with the parents. Grandma just sat there clueless and Poppi became his usual angry self saying that I was wrong. So I just let it go and suggested that they might want to double check. Sure enough, three rooms were booked but eventually it was taken care of. I can just imagine the fit my grandfather would have if he had to pay the $2 in tax for a third room they weren't supposed to have.
You would think with all this confusion maybe the night would turn out ok and we would win some money...haha, yeah right! They took us for everything we had. The highlight of the weekend was grandma entering me in the slot tournament. Basically you go in this room with about 70 slot machines lined up. You get a number that corresponds to a machine. For ten minutes you need to keep smacking the "spin reels" button as fast as you can and rack up as many points as possible. Your family and friends can sit in front of the room behind a rope and watch you. So here I am, possibly the only person under 80, smacking the button over and over again while a very flamboyant emcee, dressed as a clown on stilts, made fun of me and my "cheering section". It was quite hilarious. They give one $1,000 prize and 21 $50 prizes. I won the $50 which was fine with me. The people who didn't win were very angry and I was almost scared that they might jump me in the lobby for the $50.
All Grown Up
This weekend Patrick went to his prom with his new girlfriend Andrea. I just love my little Patrick so much and had to show him off. Are they not adorable?
Game Time!
Ok, another one from Trisha. Find 100 movies in this picture. For the larger image click here
Master Jenny
Congrats go out to my girl Jenny for graduating with her Master's this weekend! We're so proud of her. Decided to party it up at Three's Lounge out here in Shaolin. Even my girls from upstairs decided to come by for a bit. It was a good (drunk) time and of course the night finished off with cheese fries at the diner. Silvia was so drunk she even gave us a little showing of the dirty bird.

School Days
So the morning started off about as great as last night ended. Got in the car to drive to work because I needed to be there early to do an event at a school. I pulled away from the curb and realized I had no brakes. Nada, nothing. Scared the shit out of me. So I did about 2 mph and pulled the car right back in the spot and ran for the bus. I had just enough time to grab my stuff at the office and get in a cab to head uptown.
I arrived at the school on time, thank God. I totally had that "I'm gonna be late for school" feeling all over again. It was so weird to be there. Even though it's the same as when I was a kid, it was so different. Of course everything seemed smaller, but just the atmosphere seemed different. So we went up to the library to set up and waited for the classes to come in. We were going to do a make your own book activity with them. One by one they came in (first graders), one cuter than the next. Today was dress-up as your favorite storybook character day which added to the cute factor. So as they came in, we started the activity with them. I never expected such young children to be so polite and so smart. Were we that smart when we were young? I don't even think I'm that smart now. They were excellent readers and excellent writers. One little boy wrote a story about how cheetahs are becoming extinct. I was impressed.
Most of them were outgoing, but there were a few shy ones. Halle in particular. It took a while for me to get her to open up and then she became my best friend. She told me her whole life story, mostly about her older sister and that her mom's name was Jaimie too. She was sweet as sugar. Then the bell rang and it was time to pack up the paper and crayons and head out. We had such a good time and I really think the kids did too. Now it's back to work...boring.
That was the sound I heard over and over last night as the thunder kept crashing. Went for a few drinks after work last night and walked out of the bar as soon as the first drop came down- perfect timing right? With not a cab in site, I realized my only option was to hike my ass up to Broadway to get my bus. On a nice day it's a lovely walk, in torrential downpour, not so lovely. I was soaked, and wearing very open flip flops. I waited for the bus for what seemed like forever. Rain coming down, thunder and lightening in full effect. I was not very happy although the longer I stood there the funnier it got.
So finally I see the bus coming, and then I saw it going. The son of a bitch almost passed me right by. Like how he didn't see me is beyond me. I was the only idiot out waiting for a bus! Normal people ran and went to seek shelter. So I finally got on the bus and was on my way home. My friend Genee was nice enough to pick me up from the bus stop near my house which was so sweet since I was completely exhausted at that point. Genee, I owe ya one babe!