The End of An Era
It's 11:45 and my dad just dropped me off, on his way to work for the last time! That's right, as of tomorrow morning at 8am my dad will be officially retired. He always joked around about it, but I honestly never thought I would see the day. Even when he put in his papers a few weeks ago, I thought he would change his mind, but he didn't. As sad as it is to leave the place you have probably spent more time in than your own home for 30 years, its a GOOD thing (Dad, I put the good in caps because I know Mom will read this to you and hopefully she will emphasize the "good" for reassurance). Lord knows I wouldn't look back!But just think...imagine never having to go to work again and getting paid the same amount! Never having to worry about when to take vacation, because you'll always have the days off! Sleeping in on rainy days! Picking up your old candy apple red Fender Stratocaster and having the time to play it again, or putting up crown moulding in your daughter's living room (hint, hint)! Hmmm, how long before I can retire?
Sick of Being Sick
Being sick sucks! Especially this week. Not only because I have to travel for work this weekend, but tomorrow I have been looking forward to going to see Bon Jovi at Rockefeller Center for a long time now--and its just not gonna happen. Cue the sad face...
Oh Happy Day!
One, my dad found my keys. Turns out I did leave them on the bus in the morning. But dad found them when he went into work last night (what will I do when he retires from the MTA?)Two, I got my Bon Jovi tickets for October!!!! Woo hoo!!!! An excellent way to kick off the weekend!
Anybody who knows me knows that I am that annoying OCD type who checks everything twice and makes lists to remember to check the lists I've made to make sure everything is in order. When your as anal as I am, losing your mind sucks, and I've lost it big time.It started out with little things that I would forget at work...forgetting to put in PRFs and ARFs for upcoming jobs and then even when I put in the forms, I would forget I did it. Now I'm suffering from CRS (can't remember shit) big time. Last week I went to a friend's house upstate and totally went the wrong way. I knew I was going the wrong way, yet I was following mapquest directions and ignored my gut instinct (which I never do). And then when it came time to leave his house, I went the wrong way again!Tonight, I lost my car and house keys. I think I might have left them on the bus this morning, but who knows! The last time I thought I lost my keys (at Home Depot) they were IN MY HAND as I frantically searched through my bag in the parking lot while Frankie stared at me blankly thinking is she serious? After picking up a spare key at my parents' I came home and dumped out my bag with no keys to be found. Now anybody who knows me knows how stressed something like this can make me. Is it because work is busy and I have another big show coming up? Is it because I haven't been feeling well? I don't know! And even if I did know, I probably wouldn't remember! Honestly, I don't even know if what I'm writing right now makes sense. I've gone over the edge, big time.I think I need a vacation.
More Than Meets the Dump
Yesterday I received my morning Daily Candy email with a story about someone who started an ice cream company called 5 Boroughs Ice Cream. I didn't have time to read it, so I saved it for later. On the way home Liz, who also got the email, had mentioned it to me. Turns out she knows the guy who owns the company and mentioned to me that the idiot had named the Staten Island flavor "Landfill". She immediately told him what I think all Staten Islanders feel--1. its offensive and 2. there's much more to Staten Island than the dump. So she told him he needs to change that name...maybe run a contest to have it changed! The result is this article. Kind of hilarious. But I disagree with a complete boycott (a little dramatic don't ya think?).
I say Staten Islanders, lets get the name changed! Go to their website and send in a submission for a different name and let's show those ignorant morons what we're really about.
I sent in mine already...
Best Headline Ever